Welp, It's Official.
Well, It seems in my absence, the Wiki has gone to slumber. Not sure why (more than likely disintrest), but I wish that people start posting creations again. It might be a hassle, but we could all do with some good builders, and creations.
The First Annual Wiki Build Challenge!
Alright gentlemen (and Ladies), I've planned it out, and here it is. The first ever Wiki Build Challenge, where everything is made up, and the points don't matter! Hopefully I can get some outside people to participate in this, and draw more users to the Wiki! The Challenge will work out as follows:
- 1 General Information:
- 2 Rules And Rounds:
- 3 Hosting Time:
The Challenge will, based on how many participate, consist of three rounds. One, the Easy Build two, the Challenging Build, and three, the Hard Build, if ya know what I mean. Then the winners of those three rounds will square it off in the final Bonus Round! And the winner will, well, you'll get the Wiki's respect. (What Did You Expect?)
The rules are as follows:
The builds will occ…
New Hardware: X4 Dreamer
Hey guys, just a little something new. I finaly got a new gaming PC up and running. It's called the X4 Dreamer, and it cost me about $1,500, but it was worth it. It comes with two Terabytes of drive space, and a Military Grade motherboard and hardware. Here's a picture, and the specs below;('NOTE: I actually bought a floppy disc drive, and stuck it in one of the open drive slots. You never know when you might need to decode government secrets on older hardware. ;) ) Model No. X-DMR4-NW-BK''Case Material Metal''Color Black''Main Board 'Standard ATX / Micro ATX''Window ''Yes''Power Supply ''N/A''Drive Space 4x5.25" / 1x3.5"/2.5" (hot-swap) / 4x3.5" (hidden) / 1x2.5" (hidden)''Motherboard Size up to 11" x 12"''Expansion Slots 7''Front Panel Switch Power …
Test Server Has Been Opened (Basically Freebuild)
Hay everyone, I opened a test server, so I can test things, (no s***!) and maybe get some help from some of you in stuff I build. This incorperates a white-list, so if you would like to be invited, drop a comment, along with your MC Username, and soon i'll have a Google Doc set up. This is just basically a server to piss around on, so I can test things, and get some other peoples help.. The IP is, if you want to drop by. I would also like to organize a Wiki-Wide build at some point.
I'm Not Quite Dead (As In: 'Where The Hell Have You Been?')
Hello all, and contrary to what you may belive, I haven't died a horrible death as of late, causing my ghost to be coded into the Wiki, eternaly listening to this. I've actually been trying to get my PC back up and running after I broke the graphics renderer by patching a few files, causing it to BSOD every 5 minutes. But I wiped the drive after backing everything up. And I think you'll find that my PC is somewhat operational! But I'll be getting a new one soon, so I should be good until then. I've also been caught up with school work, and working on side projects. What projects you may ask? Well... This Thing.
But As well, I've been doing a few things to that ship, such as cleaning up the shape of the thing. Also, I found out what's wrong…